Saturday, December 17, 2011

Is America in a no-win situation with the presidential election?

First off, as a black man i am very proud of Senator Obama winning the democratic nimination. But here is the deal, Obama and Mccain seem to both be the WRONG choices to lead this country. Mccain supports the war in Iraq and has stood with President Bush 95% of the time, contradicting his bi-partisan voting record. Obama has racist, anti-American ociations and has a liberal voting record that is defies bi-partanship to the highest degree! Mccain has experience, but lacks the energy or the communication skills to convince America that he has a good agenda. Obama has charisma but lacks a resume and experience to EVEN THINK ABOUT RUNNING THIS COUNTRY. Personally i am leaning towards Mccain because he has more substance and he won't meet our enemies without pre-conditions!LOL! But i keep thinking that Mccain is George Bush 3 and i don't want a continuation of his policies at all. I also like Obama but he is very naive in some of his plans for this country and i just can't trust him.


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