Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Baby Brother Marrying a Girl I Don't Know?

My little brother and I had been very close until I had to move to the other side of the country. I raised him in a really messed up family environment and am very protective. From what I've heard, the girl he's marrying is very good for him and has stood by him through family BS. They've been together for five years and I trust his judgment - but am still unsettled about not knowing his fiance. Anyway, she comes from a privileged background, doesn't personally know me or my heart, and I'm having a difficult time deciding what to send her for her bridal shower gift. I want something that says I am welcoming her as a sister, know she is very special and has my support in her part as a wife to my brother. I don't want to spend too much money but don't want it to look cheap - something cly and heartfelt. She is also a devout Christian so something from a Christian store isn't out of the question. Any unconventional ideas would be great - or even tell me about something you got at your bridal shower that kinda took your breath away or made you tear up besides something from Victoria's Secret! Thanks!!


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