Wednesday, December 21, 2011

So does the rest of the world think Pagans and Wiccans are all liberals?

I am not a pagan nor wiccan, but I do not support guns, I use to think the death penalty was wrong, as many do, until my sister was murdered. Anything and everything that could be done to body to destroy it was done to her. I want that creep to have the death penalty. I think those who kill should be put to death in the same manner they killed their victims instead of putting to sleep. My sister and many other like her didn't have the luxury of dying in her sleep. I don't believe in abortions, and their should not be marriages between the same , It's the way I was brought up and I go by what the Bible says.. Yes, I think hemp should be legalized ONLY for medical reasons. I also support animal rights as well as rights for innocent children. As a Christian, I would never put down anyone for thier beliefs. I respect all religions.


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