Friday, December 16, 2011

Help Baby bird wont leave my doorstep!!!!?

Ok, Sunday morning I wake up and there is this baby bird. Now I'm not 100% sure what kind of bird he is all I know is that he's mostly black but the wings are starting to turn a dark blue. Anyway we live on the 3rd floor of an apartment bldg when I went to open the door it was just standing there looking at me, I started to walk towards it so that we could leave and he took off and went about 3 ft down the steps. I saw a bigger bird that was resting on the ledge near it so my first thought was "this is just a baby bird learning to fly." That was until we came back that evening and he was still there! So finally I decided to just let it go and no stress about it. So he finally left on Sunday night and stayed gone until yesterday (wed) when I got home from work he was once again just standing at the door!!!!! After being inside for a few hours he began to flop his wings up against the door making scratching sounds like a dog or cat wanting to be let back into the house. This morning when i leave for work sure enough he is sitting right there. I wouldn't care as much if he wasn't right in front of my door I don't want someone to forget he is right there and fling the door open and have him fly inside my house! I have searched online and the only thing I can find is putting up spikes or big sound deterrents that I can't use because this is not my own property. Any information anyone can give me on how to get rid of it or what this means would really help! Thanks! Only serious answers please this is really getting annoying and I want help!


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